ul. Spadochroniarzy 20
80-298 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 (58) 785-36-70
fax: +48 (58) 762-93-19
e-mail: elmor@elmor.com.pl
Overhauls of electric machines and drives
Our offer » Overhauls of electric machines and drives
Modernization and overhauls of electic machines and drives up to 1kV
Renovated 610 kW electric motor
Elmor S.A. has specialized for many years in the production of electric machines and drives, and now we offer modernization and complete overhauls of DC and AC machines. We repair machines of polish and foreign production of voltages up to 1kV:
- DC motors up to 200 kW
- DC generators up to 150 kW
- AC generators up to 600 kVA
- Induction squirrel-cage motors up to 600 kW
- Wound-rotor induction motors up to 350 kW
- Electromagnetic disc brakes
We are able to a project and to perform modifications of some parameters (e.g. power, voltage, rpm) of machines and 1-phase and 3-phase transformers (atypical voltages). We apply pressure-vacuum impregnation of insulation classes B, F and H. We make coils (e.g. for brakes) as monoliths (resin castings). Rotary part of machines are static and dynamic balanced.
Before beginning an overhaul we make a calculation and submit it for Customer's acceptation. Time of overhaul realisation depends on type of a machine and a scope of works; it is always agreed with the Customer.
All machines repaired by us are tested and they receive the Quality Department Attest.
Guaranty time is 12 months from the day of starting-up a machine but not longer than 18 months from a date of delivery the device to the Customer.
Thanks to many years' experience in production and overhauls of machines and electric drives provided for ships of unrestricted sailing range we assure high overhaul quality of machines and equipment working in various climatic conditions (high quality of electrolytic and paint coats).