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Container power plants
Our offer » Container power plants
Electrical equipment for container power plants with diesel drive
ELMOR S.A. is the producer of containers with electrical switchgears and control systems for container power plants with diesel drive. The range of power for single generating set amounts to 0,5 ÷ 3,5 MW. Those devices are manufactured in co-operation with HCP-FSA Poznań.
The container power plants can be installed in every place where access to the power supply network is limited or impossible.
The container generating set is compact and independent source of electrical energy and contains, except the diesel engine with generator, whole equipment necessary for independent operation as: distribution and control system of electrical energy, water cooling system and oil lubricating systems, fuel preparation and supply system and auxiliary equipment.
The whole equipment and components are installed inside containers which are adopted for easy transportation and installation at any place defined by the client. The containers are equipped with a sufficient stiff frame enabling easy lifting and transportation on land or by the sea. The place of installation and operation requires only hardened surface.
The container power plant can be applied as independent or reserve power station. It can operate as a single source of electrical energy or as a one of many sources which supplies electrical power network. The container generating set can operate in parallel way with other generating sets.
Compact power plant 3.1 MW
The whole equipment is installed in 4 containers:
Container "A" - contain diesel motor with the generator and mechanical equipment for plant.
Container "B" - contain auxiliares and radiator coolers.
Container "C" - contain electrical equipment and automatic control equipment as:
Container "D" - contain module for heavy fuel preparation.
Technical data:
Places where above mentioned type of power plant have been installed: Greece islands: Andros, Ikaria, Lesvos, Paros
According to the client requirements we can design and produce container power plants of other powers and parameters.